Statement on Accusations Against European University

Updated on 14/07/2024 in
European University in Tbilisi

Recently, some agencies falsely accused the European University in Tbilisi, Georgia, of not meeting educational standards. The exact misleading accusations were:

  1. This medical school is not on the GMC’s list of accepted universities in Georgia.
  2. The Medicine course at the University was below the 5,500 hours GMC threshold.
  3. The University's accreditation was revoked in the past by the Authorization Board of Institutions of Higher Education in Georgia.

Nino Taliashvili, the University’s rector, has provided evidence and a point-by-point rebuttal of all the accusations.

What is the Medicine Course Programme at European University?

The University’s up-to-date programme is confirmed to currently offer over 5,500 contact hours. Additionally, the European University is recognised and accredited by the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME), the leading authority on educational standards in medicine.

An outdated curriculum from 2014 was misused to damage the institution's reputation by claiming that the University does not offer enough hours.

As Taliashvili says: “European University's Medical Doctor program was accredited according to the requirements of the WFME, which requires the medical curriculum to meet the medical education standards, including minimum required hours and criteria, and undergoing rigorous evaluations in numerous areas.”

What is the Status of European University’s Accreditation?

The degree from European University, Georgia, is recognised by renowned organisations like:

WHO - the World Health Organisation
WFME - the World Federation for Medical Education
WDOMS - the World Directory of Medical Schools
FAIMER - the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
ECFMG - the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
AMEE - the Association for Medical Education in Europe
AMSE - the Association for Medical Schools in Europe
ADEE - the Association for Dental Education in Europe
EUA - the European University Association

Universities usually have a quota of students they can recruit per year. In 2018, the University was so sought after by international students that it filled its student quota 3 years in advance. As a result, the University agreed with the Ministry of Education to not recruit for the following 2 years.

If a Georgian university has its accreditation revoked by the National Authorisation Board, it will cease operating immediately. 

However, in 2019: “[The] National Center For Educational Quality Enhancement of Georgia not only reversed its decision and allowed the University to admit new students, but raised the student quota from 1500 to 3000 students,” Talashvili says.

There is NO GMC "List of Accepted Universities"

The UK's General Medical Council (GMC) does not have a list of accepted, accredited or approved universities. The GMC has hundreds of medical schools that they accept worldwide, but they do not provide such a list. They only provide their acceptance criteria.

The accusation was based on a single screenshot used out of context:

The truth about this image

The process of applying with the GMC is by first creating an online profile. This is so the graduate doctor provides information about their primary medical qualification. This includes the name of the university from which the doctor graduated. Herein, the GMC provides a database of universities from which they have had previous applicants.

This GMC database of universities does not indicate whether a university is acceptable for the GMC. The above image simply shows Georgian universities from which the GMC had applicants. This does not mean that all of those doctors were accepted; they only filled out the application form.

If a university is not listed, it means its graduates have not yet applied for GMC registration. This database does not signify that the University is not accepted.

It is concerning when agencies use the above to prove a university's accreditation or acceptance. This is because the GMC has only a “not acceptable” or “may accept” list of qualifications.

The European University of Tbilisi rector says regarding the accusations: “Mixing these two different lists (non-existing GMC list of the approved foreign universities, and the existing list of foreign universities whose graduates have applied for recognition of their diplomas) is deceptive.”

European University of Tbilisi in the directory (Update April 5, 2022)

For those who may be interested in the University listed in the GMC's directory, a European university graduate recently registered their application for registration with the GMC. After he had filed the application with the General Medical Council, the regulating body added the University as an awarding body for medical qualifications. European University is now listed as an institution on the GMC website for students applying for registration.

European University GMC directory

Additional Considerations

Talashvili presents the University's national registration and listing in the World Directory of Medical Schools and the ECFMG recognition. In addition, the rector emphasises that all MD/DMD degrees from the European University receive worldwide recognition, including the UK, EU, USA, Canada, and Australia. 

All accusations are twisted, misrepresented and false - having no grounds. Taliashvili is a realist about such events. The rector recalls that the same "agency," who previously approached the University for partnership and then got rejected, now tries to tarnish its name with misinformation.

As Taliashvili says: “Unfortunately, in the competitive world of recruitment, it sometimes happens that some parties use such unethical and unacceptable methods as used against European University. However, we hope that prospective students will focus more on the actual academic values of the European University. We are open to questions and constructive discussion.

Beware companies that use misinformation to promote their agenda instead of focusing on students.

At Medlink Students, we focus all our energy on you - the student. We are always trying to find you opportunities by providing you with factual, accurate, and up-to-date information so you can make an informed decision on what’s best for you.

You can always verify every statement in this article by contacting the relevant authorities, such as the GMC or European University in Tbilisi. Information on GMC regulations was gathered from various communications with the GMC. We encourage you to contact the GMC when considering medical universities:

Article written by Dr Sam El Mais
Dr Sam El Mais, MD, MSc, BSc, graduated from a renowned medical school in Romania in 2019. He uses his professional knowledge and personal experience to guide students on crucial aspects such as university selection, admissions processes, and cultural adjustments.
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4 comments on “Statement on Accusations Against European University”

  1. the European university is still in may accept in GMC website?
    is this means that who are studying at this university may not be accepted to sit the PLAB,

    1. Hey! Thank you for contacting us. This is an excellent question that is best answered in person by one of our expert advisors. You can submit an application for free here It only takes 10 seconds, and one of our advisors will contact you as soon as possible.

  2. How many clinical hours does the European University in Georgia, Tbilisi provide?

    1. Hey! Thank you for contacting us. This is an excellent question that is best answered in person by one of our expert advisors. You can submit an application for free here It only takes 10 seconds, and one of our advisors will contact you as soon as possible.

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