How to Apply To Study Medicine in Europe If You Are From The USA?
02/09/2022  • 
Today, the demand for doctors in the US is at an all-time high, especially with certain recent events showing just how vital their role in society really is. Overall, being a doctor isn’t a bad career choice. You’d be paid […]
Applying to Medicine after A-Level Results
19/08/2022  • 
The clock has struck - it's the 8th of August for our Scottish friends or the 17th of August for others in the UK, marking the arrival of those much-anticipated A-level results. Amidst the rush of emotions, whether you're riding […]
What Students Say About Studying Medicine at The Medical University of Silesia?
16/08/2022  • 
When you’re preparing to study medicine abroad, the first thing to do would be to research the best medical universities in Europe. During your research, you’ve likely come across the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.  While Poland may […]
What Students Say About Studying Medicine at The University of Nis, Serbia?
02/08/2022  • 
So, you’ve decided to study medicine abroad. A lot of European destinations have probably come to your mind. Well, have you considered studying medicine at the University of Nis? Serbia isn’t a place that comes to mind for most medical […]
Should Agencies be Trusted?
01/08/2022  • 
Recruitment agencies for international medical students have become very popular in recent years. Generally, they offer their services in arranging a student’s education abroad, including paperwork, transport and being a mediator with the university. However, with this increase in popularity […]
The 10 Essential Reasons to Study Medicine or Dentistry in Bulgaria
29/07/2022  • 
If you’ve done your research thoroughly, the chances are that Bulgaria is already on your radar for being one of the best countries to study medicine in Europe. Your first reaction when hearing this might as well be: “Bulgaria, really? […]
Are Your Parents not So Keen About Where You Plan to Study Medicine Abroad?
28/07/2022  • 
It’s finally happening! You’ve made your choice: you’re going to study medicine abroad! Maybe you’ve even picked exactly which university you want to go to to make your medical dreams come true. There’s just one little problem: your parents don’t […]
Can a Georgian MD Programme be Studied on a UK Campus?
20/06/2022  • 
Students have asked us whether a Georgian MD programme can be studied on a UK campus. ⚠️ BEWARE: According to the accrediting body of universities in Georgia: Source: Order №65 / N of the Minister of Education and Science of […]
Great News! European University Is the Proud Owner of a Teaching Hospital
05/05/2022  • 
The Medlink Students team is happy to announce some good news about our partner, European University. The medical school is the new owner of Jo Ann Medical Centre. The centre has been envisioned and served as Georgia's primary cardiology and […]
Should UK Students Take a Gap Year Before Medicine?
04/05/2022  • 
You did it - high school is finally behind you, your grades are fantastic, you passed all your exams, and you’re finally free! But wait… You’re about to start another 6 years of education in just a few months; after […]
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