How To Study Medicine With BTEC

Updated on 13/03/2025 in
How to Study Medicine in Europe With BTECs

What is BTEC?

Young people today are often required to make huge decisions about their entire lives before they’ve ever had the chance to live them. By grade 9, you’re already expected to know not only what the next 3-4 years of your education will look like but also your university education and even your career beyond that. 

Choosing what qualifications to pursue before you’re even 15 may seem like a great idea to your teachers, but the truth is that things can change a lot in the meantime. Sometimes, the course you chose may end up not being the right one for you, and your dreams and aspirations may change drastically as you grow into your own person and realise what you want to do with your life. For example, what if you chose business or hospitality but eventually realised your true passion is saving lives? 

This is the predicament of thousands of students throughout the UK and beyond, many of which wonder whether it’s too late to study medicine with BTEC. We’re here to give you the facts and dispel a few misconceptions.

What is BTEC?

BTEC stands for Business & Technology Education Council, but most people mean that BTEC is the diploma awarded by the Council, which certifies that a student has completed a specialised business or technology course. There are dozens of BTEC courses, among which applied science, business, hospitality, media and engineering, and most UK students studying for BTEC need to choose one when they’re starting 9th grade.

The core idea behind BTEC is that it’s set to prepare students for further education and careers outside it. BTEC courses are specialised to teach students precisely the skills employers and universities will be looking for. This means you should easily get into and thrive at a business school by completing a BTEC in business.

Given that one of the BTEC qualifications is in health and social care, a natural question for many is whether you can study medicine with BTEC. And the answer is… A bit complicated.

Can you get into medicine with BTEC?

There are a lot of different degrees associated with BTEC, as well as many other qualifications and a lot of skills that they teach. This means answering the question quite complicated, but in most circumstances, the answer will be “no”. After all, studying at a medical school requires specific skills, so a BTEC in hospitality or sport probably won’t prepare you for medical education. 

Most medical universities require A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics to consider your application, and BTEC, especially an unrelated one to medicine, just doesn’t cut it. Think of it this way: BTEC degrees are intended to help you get a job in business or technology, while A-levels are intended to help you get a science-based education.

Can you do medicine with BTEC applied science?

We’ve established that an unrelated BTEC won’t improve your chances of getting into med school, but what about more relevant degrees? After all, there are plenty of BTEC courses directly or indirectly tied to medicine, so the question of “Can I do medicine with BTEC applied science” is very fair. However, a BTEC in health or applied science will only somewhat improve your odds of getting into medical school. Most medical schools in the UK are explicitly looking for A-levels and not BTEC, meaning that your application probably won’t be considered by them with just a BTEC.

The logical follow-up question is, “Can I do medicine with 2 A-levels and a BTEC?” A mixture of A-levels and an applied science BTEC would somewhat improve your odds, but at the end of the day, it’s up to the university’s discretion. A few may say yes. Most will probably not consider BTEC, however. Medical universities in the UK are very competitive, and with 20,000 students competing to fill about 9,000 seats (even after last year’s expansion), those without three A-levels are the first to fall.

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Is getting into medicine with BTEC truly impossible?

Hold on, we didn’t say that! Sure, things may seem a bit bleak, but wipe your tears because there are still ways to get into medicine, even with BTEC!

One way is to study medicine with a foundation year. BTEC graduates can apply for an additional course that will grant them all the necessary education and qualifications that A-levels would have given them anyway. When it comes to foundation years, plenty of universities accept BTEC for science; in those circumstances, your BTEC will be worth its weight in gold!

So, what’s the catch? The downside is that a foundation year will make you lose precious time. It’s rarely a whole year, but these preparatory courses range between several weeks and months, most commonly a semester that will fully get you up to speed to stay with year 1. Not to mention, they cost money (in both tuition and living expenses), and, of course, spots for them are also limited, meaning that there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get into them even with a medical science BTEC.

There is, however, another way - and a far more reliable one.

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Study medicine abroad with BTEC

BTEC and A-levels aren’t universal standards around the world. Many countries in Europe have universities that still provide the same level of medical education, still provide the same level of education, but have different standards for accepting students simply because their education system works differently. 

Take, for example, Bulgaria, a European country that, despite its small size, has been lauded for its world-class medical education in English and has attracted plenty of international students. The Bulgarian education system doesn’t have A-levels, and its elective courses are generally less meaningful than the UK.

As such, Bulgarian students who wish to study medicine only need high grades in Biology and Chemistry and take the appropriate post-graduate exams. So even without BTEC in applied science you can apply to a Bulgarian medical school, and it won’t matter that you don’t have all the necessary A-levels. No one studying in the country has done A-levels, as you only need to have a high school diploma and pass an entrance exam.

When you choose to study medicine in Europe, you’ll have a significantly higher chance of getting accepted with just BTEC (or a mixture of BTEC and A-levels) than if you stick to the UK. After all, think of all the medical universities in Europe whose degrees are recognised by the GMC and will allow you to practise back in the UK - even if we only count those with courses in English, there are still hundreds! Furthermore, the number of students fighting for those spots is also lower per country, which boosts your odds of getting in significantly. 

Undoubtedly, studying abroad is the best solution for students who wish to study medicine with BTEC, and if you are looking to have a fresh and immediate immersion into medical studies, there are many European universities that offer first-year entry. Check out detailed information on these programs by visiting our First-Year Entry into Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Veterinary and discover how you can leverage your BTEC in applied science or health.


What are the next steps?

Whether you have BTEC or A-levels is only one part of the equation. Your availability (whether you’ve already graduated today or will graduate in 2 years), your grades, your speciality (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.) and, of course, your personal preferences will all determine which university abroad would be the best choice for you. It’s not just about which university will accept you but also which will suit your particular needs. This is one of the most important decisions of your life, and it’s important that you’re fully satisfied with it.

Our experienced student advisors have helped thousands of students in your predicament find a medical education with just BTEC, and they can certainly help you, too! If you need their advice, you can always book a free consultation.

  • Our team treats every student personally to know his strengths and emphasise them when presenting him to the admission committee. By doing this, we can compensate you if you have a BTEC Diploma instead of A-levels and ensure your competitiveness among other candidates.
  • We ensure that the university sees you as a brilliant prospect and considers your motivation and ambition to study medicine instead of just assessing you through your high school papers.
  • When you apply with us, you become part of our big family. We will be there to support you throughout your studies and even after you graduate.

Here at Medlink Students, we believe everyone should have a chance to change his life for the best and pursue his dream.

Decide to study medicine or dentistry in Europe today, and we will review your options and get back to you as soon as possible.

Article written by Dr. Sam El Mais, MD, MSc, BSc
Dr. Sam El Mais is a British national who graduated from a renowned medical school in Romania in 2019. He uses his professional knowledge and personal experience to guide students on crucial aspects such as university selection, admissions processes, and cultural adjustments.
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