How to Prepare for Your Studies in Europe - The Ultimate Checklist
09/12/2022 • Study Guides
Securing a spot at a medical university abroad is a great achievement, and your programme will start soon. We have pulled a checklist to help you prepare for your studies in Europe. Read on to find all the essential planning […]
Dentistry vs. Medicine: How to Choose?
03/11/2022 • Study Guides
Studying medicine and dentistry in Europe is becoming increasingly popular. If you are still debating whether to choose medicine or dentistry as your speciality, here are some things you will need to consider beforehand. Table of Contents1 Dentistry vs. Medicine […]
4 Tips on Developing Stronger Studying Habits
05/10/2022 • Study Guides
You’re onto a new path - conquering the world of medicine. That is a huge accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. However, medical studies abroad require massive dedication, and it is important that you develop strong studying habits. […]
Should Agencies be Trusted?
01/08/2022 • Study Guides
Recruitment agencies for international medical students have become very popular in recent years. Generally, they offer their services in arranging a student’s education abroad, including paperwork, transport and being a mediator with the university. However, with this increase in popularity […]
The 10 Essential Reasons to Study Medicine or Dentistry in Bulgaria
29/07/2022 • Study Guides
If you’ve done your research thoroughly, the chances are that Bulgaria is already on your radar for being one of the best countries to study medicine in Europe. Your first reaction when hearing this might as well be: “Bulgaria, really? […]
Vital GCSE Requirements for Medicine
04/02/2022 • Study Guides
The admission process into medicine is very competitive in the UK, and often, GCSE grades give that extra edge for admission. In contrast, European entry requirements can be much more liberal, and a GCSE may be all that future doctors […]
What A-Levels Do You Need to Be a Doctor?
21/01/2022 • Study Guides
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Becoming a doctor is a journey, and selecting the right A-Levels is perhaps the first step a student should take. While there is some room for flexibility, future doctors […]
How to Choose a Medical School: Definitive Guide (17 Criteria)
20/05/2021 • Study Guides
Choosing a medical school is one of the most significant steps in your life. Studying medicine or dentistry is a big commitment, and you can't just entrust it to any higher education institution. Therefore, you must think twice before deciding […]
How To Shadow A Doctor
10/05/2021 • Study Guides
If you aren’t sure about which field to specialise in, shadowing a doctor and gaining first-hand experience with patients will help you a lot. This is probably the best way to make the right choice. You will be able to […]
90 Common Medical School Interview Questions
13/04/2021 • Study Guides
Getting through a medical school interview is often one of the vital entry requirements for Medicine in Europe. To pass an interview, you should be prepared and calm. However, many medical applicants don't know what the questions will be about, […]