How To Write a Killer Application Resume for a Medical School
08/02/2021 • Study Guides
Universities love resumes. Application medical resumes give them a clear understanding of you as a student applicant. This is why it’s so crucial for you to make a sound, correct CV. The purpose of having an application resume is to […]
How to Get Motivated to Study (17 Little-Known Tips)
08/02/2021 • Study Guides
Do you just not feel like studying? You end up procrastinating, trying to learn everything in the last moment, cramming everything, failing, and getting even more discouraged? Seriously. Can you even get the motivation to study?If you can relate to […]
24 Thrilling Reasons to Study Medicine in Europe in 2024
08/02/2021 • Study Guides
Have you ever considered living in Europe and becoming a top expert in the medical field at the same time?Europe will provide you with modern education recognised in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, and worldwide.Europe has a profoundly long […]
How to Efficiently Study – 19 Tips You Can Implement Today
08/02/2021 • Study Guides
Mundane ways of studying are no longer working. It is not enough to just memorise the material. You have to learn efficiently and smartly. This article will give you 19 tips on becoming a better student and creating an excellent […]
How to Organise an Elective in the UK as an Overseas Trained Student
03/05/2019 • Study Guides
Medical electives are short-term placements that every student is recommended to undergo. They consist of shadowing doctors, assisting in real healthcare situations, and learning practical skills like administering injections and medical sewing. This period usually occurs during the final 3 […]
How To Transfer From Biomedical Science To Medicine
18/04/2019 • Study Guides, Featured
Most students need to pick their careers very early - sometimes too early. And while many are quite confident in their first choice, some have second doubts, even years into their education. Maybe you just don’t have much passion for […]
Study Medicine In Europe After 30
15/04/2019 • Study Guides
Recently, we've been receiving a lot of questions and enquiries about whether it's possible to study medicine in Europe after the age of 40 or even 30. The quick answer to this question is YES, without any doubt! However, in […]
How To Study Medicine With BTEC
14/04/2019 • Study Guides
Table of Contents1 What is BTEC?2 Is getting into medicine with BTEC truly impossible?3 Study medicine abroad with BTEC4 What are the next steps? What is BTEC? Young people today are often required to make huge decisions about their entire […]
How to Study Medicine After Nursing?
01/04/2019 • Study Guides
Nurses truly are the unsung heroes of the medical profession and the essential parts without which the entire medical system would fall apart within hours. Despite the ancient importance of nursing, it is often a stressful and ungrateful job, sometimes […]
Did You Know That You Can Study Medicine in Europe For Less?
29/03/2019 • Study Guides
Studying medicine in Europe can be challenging in all facets. Travel, accommodation, living, and more can be frustrating. Especially if a language barrier is involved where you cannot communicate and negotiate the right things needed for your study abroad. The […]